Today we pushed out Swrve release 65 to our customers. It's another major step forward toward our vision of enabling real-time marketing automation in mobile apps. And it delivers some concrete improvements that will enable Swrve customers to better drive their mobile businesses right here and now.
App Marketing Campaigns
Swrve is about enabling mobile businesses to talk to targeted groups of customers - at the time and place that best suits them. Release 65 supports new ways to make that happen:
- “Local Time” push notifications. Because 7pm in San Francisco is 3 in the morning in London! You can schedule a push notification at 7pm and have it delivered at 7PM in each individual time zone of each of your customers, not matter where they happen to be.
- Push targeting by locale and language. This makes it easy to create specific messages for customers in specific country or with specific language variants (e.g. French speakers in France can receive a different message from French speakers in Belgium).
- Segmentation based on views or clicks of Swrve messages. Sometimes you want to follow up based on a user's response to a previous message - whether they clicked, or viewed and didn't click. Now you can. Swrve now enables segments to be built based on those actions, and campaigns to be delivered to those segments.
- We've also done more work on how messages display. Swrve now allows you to configure messages specific to Landscape or Portrait modes.
Fraud Filtering On Android
When we launched our Fraud Filter on Apple we became the world's only analytics platform that accurately reported revenue. Now we've extended that capability to Google Play.
Simply put, it means that every revenue event is independently verified, so you know it's the real deal. And the revenue implications of your campaigns and A/B tests are apparent - and accurate. Testing and in-app marketing is irrelevant without it.
Ease Of Integration
We’ve embarked on a major project to make getting started with Swrve a truly self-service process. Now you can configure the basic properties of an app or game yourself, allowing you to get started even faster.
If you're already a customer of Swrve, we think you'll like release 65. If you're not a customer yet, please drop us a line and we'll show you we can do for you.