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Swrve Blog

Advice, opinion, and mobile marketing expertise from the team at Swrve


In-App Messaging Just Got a Whole Lot Easier

Here at Swrve we're seeing dashboards light up with amazing results from In-App Campaigns. We have examples of how a sim...

The Team at Swrve 05 February 2014

Optimizing What Matters: Swrve and zeebox

Coverage of our ongoing work with zeebox is a timely reminder that when it comes to mobile apps, it's not simply ab...

The Team at Swrve 04 February 2014
Industry Thoughts

No Matter How Sure You Are - Keep Testing

There’s always a tension between the accumulated knowledge or ‘corporate wisdom’ within any organization a...

The Team at Swrve 28 January 2014
Industry Thoughts

Squirrel or Ninja?

I know we link to Avinash Kaushik pretty much every time he writes anything, but this summary on building a data driven cult...

The Team at Swrve 24 January 2014

The 5 Secrets of Successful Mobile Apps: A Swrve Webinar

The mobile app is set to the defining technology of the next five years. As apps become more and more central to consumers&#...

The Team at Swrve 23 January 2014

5 Tips for Killer Push Campaigns: A Swrve Webinar

For those who missed it, and indeed those who didn't: 20 minute survey of some smart tips for building push campaigns th...

The Team at Swrve 16 January 2014