In this recipe

Improve your app’s camera permission opt-in rate by asking the user for permission at the right time and with the right message. You only get one chance to use the iOS camera permissions system dialog with each user, so make sure to ask the question first using an in-app message and only show the system dialog if they are willing to opt in.

Requesting Camera Permissions
Requesting Camera Permissions

Campaign Tool

In-app message

Who to Target

New and Engaged users

When to Target

For New users, plan to run this campaign early in the first session, after their first action or two.

For Engaged users, the ideal time to prompt the user is when you can establish some specific value for opting in. For example, if you have a photo design app and a user has just clicked the camera button, then it would be a good time to prompt them to give permission to use their device’s camera. You can establish in their mind why they should give the app permission to use the camera, and describe it in the message.

What to Test and Optimize

You can optimize the effect the visual presentation of your message has on users by A/B testing the text and imagery you use in the actual in-app message asking for permission. For more advanced testing, you can also run several versions of the campaign with different trigger points to see when the best moment is to engage users to ask them to opt in.

What to Measure

The most important measure is the increase in your camera opt-in rate. The secondary measure is the click-through rate on your in-app message. Optimizing the message content and timing will help make this campaign more effective over time.

How to run this campaign in Swrve


  • New users: On the User Lifecycle dashboard, in the top right corner of the New user lifecycle card, click the menu and select Create In-App Campaign.

New Users

  • Engaged users : On the User Lifecycle dashboard, in the top right corner of the Engaged user lifecycle card, click the menu and select Create In-App Campaign.

Engaged Users

  • On the Set Target screen, create an audience filter, and on the Properties tab, target all users on iOS who don’t have camera permissions enabled.

Set Target


  • For New users, trigger this message to show a few seconds after app startup.

Session Start - New Users

  • For Engaged users, find the key event where you can associate value with allowing camera permissions; for example, taking a profile picture.

Session Start - Engaged Users

  • Using an in-app message, ask them if the app can use their Camera. Include a ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ option.
    • If they click ‘Yes’, then redirect to the camera permissions request dialog on iOS. The deeplink should look something like my_app://permission=camera.
    • If they click ‘No’, then dismiss the message.

For users who have opted out of camera services, send them an in-app message the next time they try to use a feature that requires the camera, indicating that their camera services are disabled and they should go to Settings > [app_name] > Camera > [something other than Never]. Provide a deeplink to the app’s setting page if possible.

Copy/creative ideas

  • Test different text and imagery to see which performs the best.


  • Copy
  • Art
  • Button Copy
  • Timing of Messages